This was the first time Libart have exhibited in the Tradeshow organized in China but Libarts’ projects was representing the motion in Architecture motto of Libart in different Hotels and Restaurants for many years.
Libart was delighted to present the visitors the unlimited possibilities of our retracting products. The exhibition presented the Skylights, Panora Vertical retracting doors and windows, Kinetic fixed and flower box Balustrade, and other wide ranges of products. Many professional designers, architects, builders, developers, and thousands of visitors from China and other Asian countries visited our booth and showed their interests in Libart products.
Our partnership with twinDOOR in Chinese region was started few months ago and this arena provides the companies to strengthen their partnership. Together with Twindoor the preparation for this exhibition took up to three months, from booth concept design to final setting up completed. The good presentation embodied wisdom and strength of whole Libart and twinDoor team. The various departments of the company from top to bottom worked together seamlessly to bring about the event.
How Libart was the blooming star in the expo can be seen in the below pictures;